The area features 4 natural parks, 2 archaeological parks, a documentation centre and 3 museums, all showing the variety of the local wildlife as well as the Etruscan heritage and the ancient activities of extraction and production of metals typical of the area.

Parchi Val di Cornia

PArchi Val di Cornia
The area features 4 natural parks, 2 archaeological parks, a documentation centre and 3 museums, all showing the variety of the local wild life as well as the Etruscan heritage and the activities of extraction and production of metals typical of the area.

What to do

  • Visit the Etruscan Necropolis and Populonia Archaeological park
  • Take a trip to the Archaeological and Mining Park in San Silvestro, learning more on the techniques used for prospecting and extraction of minerals. Visit the beautiful San Silvestro Rocca afterwards
  • Explore the Sterpaia coastal park , with its humid forest and wildlife
  • Go for a cycling tour in the Poggio Neri Park (Sassetta)

Interesting facts

Discover the best wines produced in the area visiting cellars hidden between hills and old medieval towns along the Strada del Vino.


Baratti e Populonia
Apart from the magnificent gulf, Baratti is also widely known for the Archaeological Park, an open-air museum where visitors can walk between ancient ruins.

What to do

  • Walk through Via delle Cave path up to Belvedere and enjoy a spectacular view of the gulf
  • Trek on the Via del Monastero and reach the San Quirico Benedictine monastery, funded in the 11th century
  • Visit the Acropolis located on hillocks such as Poggio Castello and Poggio Mulino

Interesting facts

Most of Populonia’s monuments have been built using the stones extracted from the Grotte Necropolis.

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